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  • Writer's pictureRichmond Group of Charities

Millions More Moving

The Richmond Group of Charities has published Millions More Moving, a report informed by lived experience insights on how national policymakers can tackle inactivity by supporting people with long-term conditions to move more.

The Richmond Group of Charities is a coalition of 13 national health and care charities working together to help people living with long-term, multiple or complex health needs to live well and thrive.

They work together to improve care and support for people living with long-term conditions. They are rooted in the lived experience of beneficiaries using their stories and pooled insight and evidence, to make the case for change.

Movement for All is their collaborative programme in partnership with Mind and MS Society, supported by Sport England with National Lottery Funding.

Millions More Moving - Tackling inactivity by supporting people with long-term conditions to move more sets out three ‘shifts’ in the policy landscape that will help maximise the role of movement in health:

  1. Ensure leadership and accountability

  2. Embed movement in healthcare

  3. Encourage movement as part of everyday life

You can read the report’s Executive Summary and Accessible Version.


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