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EMD UK Launches New Workforce Strategy For Group Exercise Instructions

In response to a resounding call from the industry, EMD UK, the official national governing body (NGB) for group exercise, has transformed the sector’s workforce strategy for group exercise to introduce a more accessible framework that bridges career opportunities for thousands of group exercise instructors, giving instructors Professional Recognition that closes skills gaps for employers.

As the industry moves towards a more regulated coaching environment, all group exercise instructors must be able to gain professional recognition as members of their NGB.

“Extensive consultation with instructors, employers, training providers and awarding bodies reveals a clear disconnect between employers’ needs and the availability of professionally recognised instructors” says Gill Cummings-Bell, CEO, of EMD UK.

“Insight reveals, that whilst employers have difficulty recruiting professionally recognised instructors, many instructors struggle to obtain a professional stamp of approval for their qualifications and experience due to complexities that can incur high costs and unrealistic time commitments. The NGB’s new strategy simplifies the professional recognition process, bridging the gap between talent and demand.”

The strategy overhaul incorporates professional recognition against a scope of practice and a reimagined Continuous Professional Development (CPD) framework based on a Scope of Practice model. Professional recognition for a group exercise scope of practice can only be gained through the NGB.

Sue Wilkie, Head of Workforce Partnerships and Governance, EMD UK, explains: “Scope of practice represents a significant modernisation of how group exercise is governed. It celebrates and showcases individual instructor talent whilst also encouraging diversity and inclusion. As the NGB for group exercise, funded through Sport England as a System Partner, EMD UK is committed to championing instructors and creating an environment that enables them to flourish and build a successful and rewarding career.”

Introducing the scope of practice sets a new industry benchmark for all group exercise professional recognition, clarifying skill sets for instructors and employers alike including all genres of group exercise from Pilates and Yoga through to exercise to music. All EMD UK recognised scopes of practice are compiled by leading sector stakeholders and are listed on the EMD UK website.

Wilkie continues: “Scope of practice is widely adopted by many other industries and insurers, including the NHS and other health professions such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy. As our sector seeks to strengthen ties with health providers and play a key role in driving healthier communities, this move will help established healthcare industries draw parallels with our fitness professionals, instilling confidence in professional competencies and streamlining referral processes, creating growth opportunities for instructors and operators.”

Additionally, EMD UK has collaborated with Awarding Organisations, Active IQ and YMCA Awards to introduce the ‘Bridge’ certification. This certification helps fitness professionals meet EMD UK Professional recognition standards, easing their path to employment.

Wilkie explains: “Many instructors want to gain professional recognition for their skills through their NGB, EMD UK, but lack the certification they need to meet the membership entry requirements.

“In November 2023, we surveyed 1,600 instructors and found that a fifth (20%) quoted time constraints as a barrier to completing CPD and 30% quoted cost. This new Bridge certification provides an easy-access, low-cost pathway and should make access to employment much easier.”

In EMD UK’s 2023 instructor survey, 68% of practising group exercise instructors said they would appreciate some level of support to optimise opportunities and grow their business. In response, EMD UK has built a comprehensive resource hub to provide an extensive resource library designed to help EMD UK instructor members thrive in the ever-evolving fitness industry.

Wilkie continues.“. This resource hub provides a one-stop, trusted, location where instructors and employers can access all relevant information and vocational resources, cutting down on the time they spend searching for answers from multiple, often unverified sources. This is backed up by a direct line to our support team if questions or specific queries are not covered by our library of resources.”

Cummings-Bell concludes: “Group exercise instructors are the backbone of our industry, the frontline to building active and healthy communities. Backed by Sport England and in consultation with the sector, we are working tirelessly to celebrate the work of our group exercise instructor community and to ensure individuals can gain and maintain the professional recognition they deserve and need to succeed. This in turn ensures operators and instructors can meet the needs of consumers through the provision of engaging and inspiring group exercise programs delivered by professionally recognised instructors.”

This groundbreaking work is all part of the EMD UK’s official 2022-2027 Strategy and the organisation’s commitment to supporting and advocating for and on behalf of group exercise instructors.

To find out more visit click here or visit:

Written by Sarah Leeves, EMD UK


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